
Weather Chart FREEBIE!

Ok, here's another something cute I found on Pinterest that has no originating link!! Have you seen it?

Pinned Image
Click the pic to see my pin

Well....here's my interpretation of it! I haven't actually put it all together yet, but it should be close to the picture above. I'm thinking that the arrows are either put onto clothespins or little sticky clips. :) Feel free to snag your own free copy if you choose here: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Weather-Chart-Freebie-768986



  1. Awesome!! I saw the original pin and I really liked! Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. I missed that one, but SUPER cute! Thanks for sharing. I am your newest follower:)

    The Resourceful Apple

  3. These are fabulous and I love how you did them. This is perfect for an ELL student to build their vocabulary. Following you right now!

  4. This is real cute plus great for not taking up tons of space which we never seem to have. thank you, enjoy the rest of your summer

  5. LOVE THIS! It's printing as I type. Thank you for creating and sharing! :)

  6. Thank you for the awesome freebie! I'd love it if you would follow my new blog! First Grade is Wonderful

  7. omg ...this was on pinterest... and the person who pinned it said "help me find the website to get this" lol and its you!! lol im your newest follower...drop by =)

    Just Wild About Teaching

  8. Thanks for the inspiration! I was looking for some way to change up my calendar and this is part of it! Thanks again!!


    First Grade Fascination

  9. This is AWESOME! I've already printed it and cut it out. Now I'm figuring out what size the backing paper needs to be. Can't wait to use it this year!

  10. I love it! Thank you for making this so much easier for me to get accomplished!

  11. Thank you so MUCH for sharing this great idea! It is just what I was looking for. I have tried multiple times to download to print, but with no luck. As a huge favor...would you mind e-mailing it to me??? If you would, e-mail is zipsmom1@yahoo.com.

    Again, thanks so much! You are so talented:)

    1. Awesome news - I tried one more time today and it downloaded! So just wanted to send a quick note and let you know. No need to e-mail!

      Thanks again!

  12. Thank you, thank you! When I first saw the pin on Pinterest, I was so disappointed when the link was broken. Luckily, I saw another pin and it linked me here. This will be fantastic to use for my three year old's preschool. Thanks again!

  13. Where are the pictures from? I would love to make the kids a matching graph to go with this! Thanks so much for doing this.

  14. Thanks. I was looking for the link for that one as well. I love having the words along with the pictures since my four year old have a wide range of abilities and all would benefit from seeing the words along with the pictures.

  15. Looks amazing! But I'm having a hard time printing. Do I really have to pay for the pdf service to get this freebie???? ....or am I just technologically challenged? :-P

    1. I don't know what's going on with Scribd these days! I have never had to pay for anything, but I've had so many emails about this exact thing!! If you'll email me, I'll send it to you :-)

    2. I would appreciate it if you email this file to me at HLovesT323@hotmail.com

  16. Would you please send me this document as well? I would really appreciate it!!

    Thanks so much,


    1. My email is Norenbergc33@lsus.edu. Please let me know what your e-mail is so I can look in my junk email if it gets sent there.

  17. Could you send me this file? I would really appreciate it. Thank you! mmouk@embarqmail.com

  18. This is so great!! I was not able to download this without paying for a membership. Would you please send these to me? Thank you so much!! mariece.michaels@yahoo.com

  19. I would love this file too! I have never had to pay on scribd before! :( Thanks! stephmckay@gmail.com

  20. Hi there! This is awesome! I would love a copy if you're not tired of sending it out :) lindseykoro@gmail.com

  21. Oh, this is awesome!
    I'm having trouble downloading it as well. Could you e-mail it to me at meggeh @ live.ca
    Thanks so much!

  22. Oh, this is awesome!
    I'm having trouble downloading it as well. Could you please e-mail it to me at meggeh_goat @ hotmail.com
    Thanks so much!

  23. I'd love to get a copy of this as well!

    Thanks so much!

  24. Could you please email this to me as well?? My email is manny850@aol.com Thank you!

  25. This is perfect for my 2 and 3 year old who are currently fascinated with the weather! I too am having problems with Scribd. Would you be able to email it to me as well? kgknouse@yahoo.com. Thank you so much!

  26. I hate to be a pain but could you email it to me as well. I would love to use this with the kids I babysit for:) bvwsu@yahoo.com

  27. Can you please email me this. I have been looking everywhere for something of this nature to include in my calendar time.


    Lesa Davis

  28. Could you please email to me! Thanks so much!

  29. Scribd is still wanting a membership to download your freebie. Would you mind emailing it to me?


    Thanks so much!


  30. Scribd is wanting me to pay for a membership which I haven't had to do before when I used it.
    Would you mind e-mailing it to me also?! You're probably so annoyed with this question so I apologize!


    Thanks so much!

  31. Love this! Would you be able to email this to me? My email is amandahetland@hotmail.com


  32. I hate to ask, but my Pre-K class would love this. Could you please email me this? prek03@gmail.com Thank you sooooo much!

  33. I would love to have this for my preschool classroom can you please email it to me. Thank you soooo much.

  34. I would love a copy.. my email is cdavis4@graniteschools.org! Thank you!!!

  35. Hi, is there any chance you could email me a copy of this resource it's great and I would love to get it ready for September for my new little ones! Thank you, my email address is hollypitkin@gmail.com

  36. Like everyone else I would love this too:) My email is sgramps@hotmail.com Thank you!

  37. Thanks so much! Just printed it out and assembled it to use with my Saxon math :)

  38. I looooooooooove this111 so original and unique!!

  39. I love this idea. Thank you so ,much for sharing. Could you e-mail it to me please? My address is slwstevens2@hotmail.com.

    MY ADDRESS IS lori_nuova@yahoo.it. Thank-you!!!

  41. Super cute! I would appreciate a copy too! Thanks! amberlboyd@gmail.com

  42. Thankyou very much for the free download. I am wondering if it is possible to add a section for the season? Or if you could please send me the graphics associated with the seasons and words so that I can make it myself ? Thank you very much this is just what I was looking for for my middle school life skills students!

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  44. Thank you very much for sharing! This will be great for my preschoolers to learn about the weather in English :)

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